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YECAP Unconference

Unlike traditional conferences, the Unconference is fully youth-driven, creating an open space for innovative discussions, idea-sharing, and solution-building on urgent climate issues. Organized by YECAP Fellows, this dynamic event fosters meaningful conversations, connects youth across networks, and amplifies youth-led climate action. Through interactive sessions and collaborative exchanges, the Unconference empowers young people to shape the climate agenda and drive impactful change in their communities.

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Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform

The Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP) was established by UNDP in Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with UNFCCC RCC Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF South Asia, British Council, YOUNGO, Movers Programme, and 2030 Youth Force in response to young people across the region calling for urgent action on the climate agenda. Youth in all their diverse identities and experiences advance their climate journeys with the support from YECAP to meaningfully engage in action, advocacy, and acceleration of the movement towards a just climate future.

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