Green Youth Labs Viet Nam
GREEN YOUTH LABS is a training programme for innovation and a socially equitable energy transition. The project, part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), spans over 3 years from 2021 to 2024 and is implemented by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Vietnam and Centre of Live and Learn for Environment and Community. They aim to engage young people in low-carbon production and climate-friendly energy use at local and national levels.
Engagement Mode
Youth-led & Youth-targeting
Age Group
Geographical Coverage
All youth

SDG Goals
4: Quality education
7: Affordable and clean energy
11: Sustainable cities and communities
13: Climate action
17: Partnership for the goals

Engagement Context
Youth-led & Youth-targeting

Theme of Work
Climate education
Public understanding and awareness

Established Year
January 1, 2021

Work with Marginalised Groups

Geographical Coverage
Youth Innovation Challenge 2023
After 2 days of sharing and learning together at the National Youth Initiative Forum, the groups have gained more knowledge and skills to perfect their initiatives as well as connect with experts in the field. energy conversion, climate change, environment. In the final round, the 15 best groups presented their ideas and received comments from the Jury Council from the Department of Industry and Trade of Da Nang City, Dong A University, the Union of Science and Technology Associations of the city. Da Nang, GREENVIET Company, EPC Solar Company,...

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