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YECAP Shakers Fellowship Programme

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The YECAP Shakers Fellowship is a three-month capacity building programme for youth climate leaders in Asia and the Pacific. The fellowship provides capacity-building on community mobilization, resource mobilization, team building, communications, Leaving No One Behind, and gender equality, fosters collaborative networks among civil society organizations (CSOs), and equips CSOs leaders with tools and resources to expand their climate advocacy.

What did Shakers learn
throughout their fellowship?

  • 18 October 2024: Onboarding and Introduction to the Programme

  • 25 October 2024: Systems Thinking for Sustainable Solutions

  • 8 November 2024: Mixer 1: Our Biggest Leadership Challenges

  • 15 November 2024: Gender and Development in Climate Action

  • 22 November 2024: Empowering Youth: Effective Volunteer Recruitment and Management in Climate Action

  • 6 December 2024: Forming and Sustaining Effective Partnerships (Coalitions and Networks)

  • 13 December 2024: Leveraging Data and AI for Climate Project Management

  • 20 December 2024: Mixer 2: Our Biggest Fundraising Challenges

  • 10 January 2025: Fundraising for Climate Action (Crowdfunding and Grants)

  • 17 January 2025: Measuring Impact: Assessing the Success of Climate Initiatives

  • 24 January 2025: Closing and Wrap-Up

Meet Our Fellows


Programme Partners

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Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform

The Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP) was established by UNDP in Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with UNFCCC RCC Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF South Asia, British Council, YOUNGO, Movers Programme, and 2030 Youth Force in response to young people across the region calling for urgent action on the climate agenda. Youth in all their diverse identities and experiences advance their climate journeys with the support from YECAP to meaningfully engage in action, advocacy, and acceleration of the movement towards a just climate future.

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